About Brad Whitford of Aerosmith

Full Name: Brad Earnest Whitford


Birthday: February 23, 1952

Place of Birth: Winchester, MA

Siblings: 2 Brothers

Instruments: Guitar

Band Prior to Aerosmith: Earth incorporated, and 5 others

Favorite Aerosmith Song: Nobody's Fault

Favorite Place: Hawaii

Favorite Food: Japanese

Favorite Car: Porsche Turbo

Favorite Tv Show: Larry Sanders Show

Favorite Movie: Goodfellas

Favorite Book: American Tabloid by James Ellory

Most Prized Possession: 1959 Les Paul

Favorite Sport: Auto Racing

On Looking Back: "I really wouldn't have imagined this. You can dream and think 'wouldn't this be great?' but to be really living it is fascinating."

Other Projects:

-Whitford/St. Holmes-
Whitford/St.Holmes (August 1981)



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Brad Whitford Quotes

"We'd love to be the first band to provide the music. That isn't harmful."
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