Full Name: Steven Victor Tallarico
Birthday: March 26, 1948
Place of Birth: New York City (Yonkers)
Siblings: 1 Sister
Instruments: Vocals, Harmonica, Mandolin, Piano, Percussion
Bands Prior to Aerosmith: The Strangeurs, Chain Reaction, The Chain, William Proud
Favorite Aerosmith Song: No Surprise
Favorite Place: On top of Mount Halliahkala in Maui watching the Sunrise
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Car: My Lotus Super 7
Favorite Tv Show: South Park
Favorite Movie: Ferris Buellers Day Off
Favorite Book: "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Unrelated Stories" by Tim Burton
Most Prized Possession: Raptor Claw Switch-Blade Knife
Favorite Sport: Horizontal Folk Dancing
What Steven wants on his Tombstone: "Here lies Tyler, the Demon of Screamin', who never woke up from the Dream he was Dreamin' until one day he drank some magic potion - Now all that's left is Sweet Emotion."