Full Name: Anthony Joseph Perry
Birthday: September 10,1950
Place of Birth: Lawrence, MA
Siblings: 1 Sister
Instruments: Guitar
Started playing guitar: 6 years old First Guitar: A ukulele made by his uncle
First Guitar Bought: A Silvertone from his father
First Time on Tour: First Aerosmith Tour
Bands Prior to Aerosmith: Flash, Pipedream, Plastic Glass, Jam Band
Other Projects:
- Joe Perry Project -
Let the Music Do the Talking (March 1980) I've Got The Rock 'n' Rolls Again (June 1981) Once a Rocker Always A Rocker (September 1983)
Other Solo Projects:
Joe Perry (May 2005) Have Guitar Will Travel (October 2009) Sweetzerland Manifesto (January 2018)
Joe Perry's Official Webpage