Full Name: Joseph Michael Kramer
Birthday: June 21,1950
Place of Birth: New York City (The Bronx)
Siblings: 3 Sisters
Instruments: Drums, Percussion
Bands Prior to Aerosmith: The Medallions and 9 others.
Favorite Aerosmith Song: "Nobody's Fault" and "Lord of the Thighs"
Favorite Place: My Own Bed
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Car: Lamborghini Murcielago 640LP
Favorite Tv Show: Huff
Favorite Movie: The Great Escape
Favorite Book: "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman
Most Prized possesion: Twin Turbo Porsche
Favorite Sport: Croquet
Go Check out Joey's love for Coffee at the Rockin and Roastin Website